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Paid Memberships Pro compatibility

With version 1.4.7, Patron Plugin Pro is also compatible with Paid Memberships Pro. You can have your patrons easily unlock content gated with PMP without needing to do anything else.

It also works the other way – Patreon gated content can be unlocked by a qualifying member from matching PMP tier assigned to any post/content.

You can also gate posts/content with both plugins at the same time, and any user from any qualifying Patreon pledge or PMP tier can unlock the content.

Current compatibility logic works over monthly PMP memberships and monthly Patreon membrships. Some details are below:

  • Paid Memberships Pro gated content can be unlocked via Patreon if user has qualifying pledge level that matches PMP gated content
  • Patreon gated content can be unlocked by a matching PMP membership level
  • Content gated by both Patreon and PMP can be unlocked by qualifying pledge from Patreon that matches the Patreon pledge
  • Content gated by both Patreon and PMP can be unlocked by qualifying tier membership from PMP that matches the PMP tier
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