Easy to use, advanced OOP plugin template to help you produce and maintain your plugins easily. It comes with:
- Fully OOP plugin engine that separates core plugin functions and plugin functions
- All actions/functions are hookable with actions and filters for input and output variables
- Customizable custom tables for plugin data
- Customizable custom meta tables for plugin data – indexed and differentiated meta values – int, decimal, longtext
- Built in framework for publishing premium addons for your free plugins
- Multi Language
- Setup Wizard that guides users through setup
- Ready made settings/options system
- Built in update checking and nagging
- In-built Templating System
- Routing system for modifying content
- Built in ready Widgets
- Frontend and Admin Notification system
- In built security system that checks requested actions/functions and imposes limits
- Full fledged uninstall system
Before install, change all instances of ‘PLUGINPREFIX’ to your own prefix for your plugin. Any alphanumeric string that starts with letters and acceptable by PHP is ok. This will help your plugins to avoid all potential conflicts.