Update available for Patreon Button, Widgets and Plugin in Patron Pro package

Patron Plugin Pro

An update for Patreon Button, Widgets and Plugin in Patron Pro package was just published with 2.0.3 version.

This update fixes an issue with old style widgets not being compatible in PHP 7.x+ hosts and causing issues, including parse errors and crashes.

The new widget format is compatible with PHP 7.x+.

However due to the new way WP widgets are arranged, you may have to re-add your widgets by visiting your WP admin’s Appearance -> Widgets section. Here you can re-add Site Widget for Patreon and Author Widget for Patreon into the pages you want to add them.

To update, you can just click on the update available notification in your WP admin, or visit your WP admin’s Plugins section and scroll down to Patreon Button, Widgets and Plugin in Patron Pro by CodeBard and click ‘Update’.

If you encounter any issues, please contact support!

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