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Content drip / Lifetime pledge locking

Content drip is a very good way of promoting patron/member loyalty in your membership.

In content drip locking method, you lock your content for increasing amount of lifetime pledge, which allows patrons to qualify for more content as they stay as your members. Lifetime pledge is the total amount which a patron has paid to your campaign until today.

To use content drip, you simply gate your posts with Content drip locking method in a staggered manner.

Lets say you set Post A to require $5 lifetime pledge, Post B to require $10, Post C to require $15.

This means that a patron who has $5 monthly membership will gain access to:

  • Post A immediately after signing up and paying first $5 pledge
  • Post B after 2 months of membership
  • Post C after 3 months of membership

Meanwhile long-term patrons who were already patrons for a long time will easily qualify over $15 lifetime pledge, and they will immediately have access to these posts at the moment you post them.

Therefore content drip is a good way to encourage long term patronage and reward already existing patrons.

To use content drip, go to a post in your post editor (or start a new post), and find ‘Advanced Locking’ metabox which Patron Pro adds to your post editor and select ‘Content drip’:

Content drip selection

Then type in the lifetime pledge amount  which you want to gate this post for. Ie, based on the example above, 5, 10, or 15.

After that, save/update the post.

The locking options will update, and only patrons with equal or higher lifetime pledge will be able to access this post.

This way, you can drip your content to your patrons slowly over time.

Content drip is a very good way to ensure long time patronage by slowly releasing content and also rewarding patrons who already have long patronage!

When non-patrons or anonymous users access that post, the post banner will inform them how the post is locked and how can they unlock the post:

Content Drip Non Patron


When patrons who do not qualify for the lifetime pledge set for the post accesses the content, the banner will inform them how the post is locked, and how long they have until they qualify for that content – it will also call them to upgrade to qualify faster:


Content Drip Locked

And when a patron who qualifies for that lifetime pledge amount accesses the content, the banner will inform them that they can access for that post because they qualify based on lifetime pledge:


Content Drip Unlocked


These informative banners will help your patrons understand how they can unlock your content while also encouraging them to long time patronage!

(Please note that this method is a powerful method and it will override all other locking options set for a post)

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