Show parts of a post to non-patrons

Embedding… [ppp_non_patron_only]YOUR_CONTENT_HERE[/ppp_non_patron_only] …anywhere within your post, with YOUR_CONTENT_HERE being replaced with the content you want to show non patrons, will have your site render that content only to non-patrons.

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Content drip / Lifetime pledge locking

Content drip is a very good way of promoting patron/member loyalty in your membership. In content drip locking method, you lock your content for increasing amount of lifetime pledge, which allows patrons to qualify for more content as they stay as your members. Lifetime pledge is the total amount which…

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How to use Custom Patron Greeting widget

With custom patron greeting widget, you can give a special shout out to your patrons whenever they log in to your site! Above is an example custom greeting for all patrons (Any pledge amount). For any tier that doesn’t have a special greeting, the default one gets used. Above is…

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How to mark users as VIP or with custom pledge level

A user marked as VIP has access to all locked content, whereas a user marked with a specific pledge level ($ amount) can access any content that is locked at that level or below. This feature allows you to mark people who are not on Patreon as your patrons/members. Family,…

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How to show teasers before locked posts (Sneak peek)

You can show excerpts/teasers before locked posts to encourage your readers to become your patrons. If you set “Show excerpts from posts before locked posts” to yes, an excerpt will be created from the locked post content, and will be placed into the placeholder {%%show_excerpt_here%%}, and then shown before any locked…

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Getting and refreshing Patreon API Credentials

At the “Patreon API” tab in Patron Plugin Pro settings in your WordPress admin, you have your Patreo API credentials. Normally, setup wizard helps you obtain these credentials during setup and saves them, and you wouldnt need to do anything with these settings after that. But in case you weren’t…

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Customizing locked content banners/notices

In your “Customize Interface” tab in Patron Plugin Pro settings in your WordPress admin, there are numerous ways to customize your notification banner which is used for all locked content. You can arrange width, margins of the notifications and banners, you can upload (or select an existing media upload) and…

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Putting visitors directly to Patron Pipeline

In case you set “Put users directly to Patron Pipeline” option in your “Content Locking” tab of your Patron Plugin Pro settings to yes, Patron Plugin Pro will send your users to patron pipeline (where they pledge to become your patrons) directly, instead of sending them to your profile. In…

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Protecting excerpts in listings

When any post, post type or content or even entire site is marked patron only, they will be still visible without protection in post listings or other type of archives. In this case, you can set “Yes” in “Protect Excerpts in Listings” option in Patron Pro settings’ ‘Content Locking’ tab…

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How to lock entire posts, categories, tags from any post type

You can lock entire post types, custom post types, any category, tag, multiple categories and/or tags, any custom taxonomy and custom term with Patron Pro. First, visit the “Content Locking” tab of your plugin settings in WordPress admin, and click to expand “Make Post types Patron only” section as below:…

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Using a custom patron only banner for any singular content

There is a big meta box called “Custom Patron-only Banner” under the post entry box in your post editor. When writing or editing a post (or any content), if you place any kind of content in “Custom Patron-only Banner” metabox which is under the post editor, then that banner will…

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