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Putting visitors directly to Patron Pipeline

In case you set “Put users directly to Patron Pipeline” option in your “Content Locking” tab of your Patron Plugin Pro settings to yes, Patron Plugin Pro will send your users to patron pipeline (where they pledge to become your patrons) directly, instead of sending them to your profile.

In conjunction with “Force Site Button instead of Author” setting set to yes in “Quickstart” tab of your plugin settings, Patron Plugin Pro would make every single widget, banner and notification on your website to put your visitors to your Patron pipeline when they click Be a Patron buttons.

Please note – in this setup, the individual Patreon accounts of individual authors are disregarded. In this setup, a user which clicks “Be a Patron” buttons in Author sidebar widget on a post or the “Be a Patron” button under the post, will still be sent to pipeline to become your patrons. Not the authors.

In case you would prefer users to be able to support an author when they click author buttons, set “Force Site Button instead of Author” in “Quickstart” to “No”, and keep “Put users directly to Patron Pipeline” option in your “Content Locking” tab of your Patron Plugin Pro settings as “Yes”.

This will send users directly to your patron pipeline when they click a Site Widget or a Patron-only notification widget, but will still send users which click author widgets to author’s profile at Patreon.

If you are the only author in the site, just set both options to Yes.

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