How to Lock Your Content using Content Drip Method with Patron Plugin Pro and Patreon

Content Drip

Content drip is a very popular content gating method in membership world.

In this method, content is slowly released to members/patrons, ensuring a steady stream of content delivery and rewarding member loyalty. This is a very good way to reward long time members and encourage long time membership!

By using Patron Plugin Pro in your WordPress site, you can easily post content-drip gated content to your Patreon members. Patron Pro makes it very easy to use:

You choose ‘Content Drip (Lifetime pledge)’ locking option from Advanced Post Locking options which appears in your sidebar when editing or posting any post:

Content drip locking

You enter an amount, and Save/Update the post. This locks the post for that lifetime pledge amount.

Lifetime/historic pledge is the total amount which a patron has paid to your campaign all the way from the start of his or her membership up until today. It does not matter whether the patron had suspended the membership once or more times – total historic pledge always increases after a patron resubscribes to your campaign. So long time patrons are always rewarded even if they subscribe on and off.

Example: Lets say you want to gate 3 posts with content drip. Post A, Post B, Post C.

You gate Post A for $5 lifetime/historic pledge, Post B for $10, Post C for $15 – or with whatever amount that is equivalent in your currency.

Post A – immediately

Post B – in 2 months

Post C – in 3 months.

Whereas long time patrons who already have over $15 lifetime pledge would immediately access all of these posts, rewarding them for their long term patronage!

As you can see, Content Drip is a great locking method to reward existing long time patrons and incentivize new patrons to stay with you longer.

You can use this method for series of content to allow slow drip of content to your members, like a series of short stories, like parts of a training course content, like a webcomic series or any other episodic content.

You can also post ultra-exclusive singular content to reward your very long time members.

Read the manual page and see visual details of the content drip locking method here.

When a post is locked with content drip, the locked post banner will tell your visitors how to unlock the content.

Content Drip Non Patron


The banner will also tell non-qualifying patrons why the content is locked and how long will it take until they qualify. It will also recommend them to upgrade.


Content Drip Locked

Whereas qualifying patrons will be informed how they qualify for the content in the post footer.


Content Drip Unlocked

This way, the banner text will help incentivize your patrons for long term patronage.

To give Content drip locking method a try, upgrade your Patron Plugin Pro to 1.4.9 and gate your posts using ‘Content Drip’ option in the ‘Advanced Locking’ metabox.

Good luck with your patrons!


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